The benefits of the skilled trades
What exactly are the benefits of working in the skilled trades? Are there actual benefits to being a skilled tradesman? After all, doesn’t the stigma that those who work with their hands are somehow less intelligent have a ring … Read the rest
Tightening your financial belt
  The Budgeting Series   Introduction – tightening your financial belt *NOTE: This is part 5 of a series on budgeting.*      ***Updated for 2023*** If you have missed the previous articles in this series, I encourage you to read them before moving … Read the rest
Conversations with Tradesmen – HVAC
I’m going to start a new category called “Conversations with Tradesmen” where I do primarily just that: I have conversations with tradesmen of all different crafts and discuss the pros and cons of their trade, location, work, etc. I find … Read the rest
Higher Education? – Book Review
The Book Review Series ***Updated for 2023*** I discovered The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions by Andrew Hacker doing some research for something else entirely. I quickly ordered the book, read it in short … Read the rest
Headhunting – and Its Increase in the Workforce
***Updated for 2024*** I don’t recall the first time I heard the term headhunting and perhaps you don’t either. It could be you’ve never heard the term. Either way, the practice you undoubtedly know of – and may have even … Read the rest
“Battling the Trades Stigma” – How the AWS is right on this
Professional societies are typically beneficial; it is for this reason that people elect to join them in the first place. I would be remiss were I not to mention I belong to two: the American Welding Society and the American … Read the rest
Why skilled trades have the best game in town
Being the advocate I am for the skilled trades, I’ve had the idea for this post some time now. I wouldn’t write it if I didn’t believe it but I’m going on record to say the skilled trades have the … Read the rest
Time isn’t money – it’s worth SO much more
The old adage says “time is money.” I can’t tell you how many guys I’ve heard say it over the years. Typically, they are self motivated and profit driven to pursue monetary wealth, and they equate time with money. I’ll … Read the rest
Pensions: what they are and why they have declined
In their hey day pensions were the premier benefit for gaining and keeping talent in an organization. Close to 40 years ago, around 60% of people had pension plans; now it’s an abysmally low 4%. In the meantime, other retirement … Read the rest