The 5 reasons why I really enjoy Thanksgiving – Happy Thanksgiving 2020
For many reasons, I thoroughly enjoy Thanksgiving. It’s a time to slow down and reflect on what we have to be thankful for and trust me, if you live in America, there is A LOT to be thankful for. Never … Read the rest
The benefits of the skilled trades
What exactly are the benefits of working in the skilled trades? Are there actual benefits to being a skilled tradesman? After all, doesn’t the stigma that those who work with their hands are somehow less intelligent have a ring … Read the rest
Higher Education? – Book Review
The Book Review Series ***Updated for 2023*** I discovered The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions by Andrew Hacker doing some research for something else entirely. I quickly ordered the book, read it in short … Read the rest
Headhunting – and Its Increase in the Workforce
***Updated for 2024*** I don’t recall the first time I heard the term headhunting and perhaps you don’t either. It could be you’ve never heard the term. Either way, the practice you undoubtedly know of – and may have even … Read the rest
Talent vs. Tenacity – which is better?
Talent vs. Tenacity Over the years I have come across some of the most talented individuals with varying interests. Nascent talent, whether latent in an individual or at work conscientiously, is a gift many do not have. Indeed, I can … Read the rest
Professional jealousy
Over the course of my career I have experienced what I like to call professional jealousy. Actually, I have experienced it and projected it – and when that happens it isn’t my finest moment to be sure. It wasn’t until … Read the rest
The rare, elusive, and experienced field engineer
At the end of 2019, after the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and OSHA released their findings about the collapse of the FIU pedestrian bridge, I wrote a piece from a skilled trades perspective. It was a long piece, informative … Read the rest
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Anyone ever heard of the Health Savings Account (HSA)? If not, no worries, because it is the topic of this post. I hadn’t heard of HSAs until a couple years ago and I only stumbled across them because I was … Read the rest
Job satisfaction: what’s it mean to you?
While writing another article I suddenly thought about job satisfaction and what it means to people. Is it something people consider when taking a job? How important is it to them? Is it even on their radar? I think in … Read the rest
Why skilled trades have the best game in town
Being the advocate I am for the skilled trades, I’ve had the idea for this post some time now. I wouldn’t write it if I didn’t believe it but I’m going on record to say the skilled trades have the … Read the rest