Job satisfaction: what’s it mean to you?
While writing another article I suddenly thought about job satisfaction and what it means to people. Is it something people consider when taking a job? How important is it to them? Is it even on their radar? I think in … Read the rest
Why skilled trades have the best game in town
Being the advocate I am for the skilled trades, I’ve had the idea for this post some time now. I wouldn’t write it if I didn’t believe it but I’m going on record to say the skilled trades have the … Read the rest
Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution
*Updated for 2023* It’s all in a name, right? If you have been around for any length of time you have most likely heard these terms before: defined benefit and defined contribution. And unless you speak in financial lingo, … Read the rest
Multi Employer Pensions Part 4: Reform
*Note: This is part 4 of a mini series on multi employer pensions* If you haven’t read any of the previous 3 posts on multi employer pensions the links are below and provide context for this post. Multi employer pensions … Read the rest
Let’s talk about the skilled trades
This post is, in some ways, a sister to the post I did earlier on college and whether it was worth it or not. You can find that post in the link below. There is much more information to be … Read the rest
Multi Employer Pensions Part 3: The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC)
*Note: This is part 3 of a mini series on multi employer pensions* In case you missed part 1 or part 2 of this mini series, you can find the links below. Be sure to read the previous posts to … Read the rest
Multi employer pensions part 2
*Note: This is part 2 of a mini series on multi employer pensions* Part 1 left us with a host of problems which I tried to outline what they were and some of the reasons why. This post I will … Read the rest
Multi Employer Pensions part 1
*Note: This is part 1 of a mini series on multi employer pensions.* If you have read any other posts on my website you have undoubtedly discovered I have retirement savings on my mind. I have spent quite a bit … Read the rest
The vital importance of your health
As I write this I am coming off of one of the most terrible weeks I have had in well over a year. We don’t often reflect on our health until it’s limited, under attack, or generally gone and that … Read the rest
Pensions: what they are and why they have declined
In their hey day pensions were the premier benefit for gaining and keeping talent in an organization. Close to 40 years ago, around 60% of people had pension plans; now it’s an abysmally low 4%. In the meantime, other retirement … Read the rest