Happy New Year – 5 things I plan to do in a 2022 Focus
Happy New Year friends! I don’t know about everyone, but for me, I was glad to cap off 2021 – with some of the reasons being obvious with others more personal. Of course, COVID-19 is still around with each variant … Read the rest
Vacations & Time Off – Be Sure to Use/Enjoy Them
The Wealth Series ***Updated for 2025*** As part of what I’ve called The Wealth Series, I think vacations and time off are important to your enjoyment and health. The human body isn’t meant to continuously … Read the rest
Classes – not degrees – enhance an individual
This topic inadvertently came to mind while I was writing another post, which seems to be the genesis for many of my articles here recently. I began to articulate in the other post the idea that classes and not degrees … Read the rest
Right to work part 2: Financial ramifications
*NOTE: This is part 2 of a mini series in the topic of right to work. Click here for Part 1.* Right to work at the worker level The economic policy institute published an article back in 2015 and they … Read the rest
Three year review
As of this month, The Wealthy Ironworker is 3 years old. The sound of it doesn’t seem impressive – I mean, 3 years – so what? For me, though, 3 years and an average word content of 2,276 with 54 … Read the rest
Expensive things that make the list
Sometime ago my wife and I were having a conversation about how we live, what we spend, save, etc. Essentially, what makes the list. If you don’t have “a list” then you need to get right one it…better to know … Read the rest
The benefits of the skilled trades
What exactly are the benefits of working in the skilled trades? Are there actual benefits to being a skilled tradesman? After all, doesn’t the stigma that those who work with their hands are somehow less intelligent have a ring … Read the rest
Conversations with Tradesmen – HVAC
I’m going to start a new category called “Conversations with Tradesmen” where I do primarily just that: I have conversations with tradesmen of all different crafts and discuss the pros and cons of their trade, location, work, etc. I find … Read the rest
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Anyone ever heard of the Health Savings Account (HSA)? If not, no worries, because it is the topic of this post. I hadn’t heard of HSAs until a couple years ago and I only stumbled across them because I was … Read the rest
America’s ultimate hazing experience: the college degree
Sometime ago, I was doing research for another article and came across a term I had never heard before: the college industrial complex. I’ll admit I was favorable to the term; after all, I have maintained for quite a number … Read the rest