Job satisfaction: what’s it mean to you?
While writing another article I suddenly thought about job satisfaction and what it means to people. Is it something people consider when taking a job? How important is it to them? Is it even on their radar? I think in … Read the rest
Time isn’t money – it’s worth SO much more
The old adage says “time is money.” I can’t tell you how many guys I’ve heard say it over the years. Typically, they are self motivated and profit driven to pursue monetary wealth, and they equate time with money. I’ll … Read the rest
Is there a place in the skilled trades for emotional intelligence?
If you’re like many you read the title and thought, “what in the world is emotional intelligence?” I came across the term quite a while back but left it unresearched. I thought it was a new age concept touted by … Read the rest
What About Annuities?
***Updated for 2024*** When I started researching annuity funds, I wondered why I, along with many others, are offered them as opposed to, say a 401k. There are some major differences, and I thought highly (still do) of 401ks even … Read the rest