Tightening your financial belt
The Budgeting Series Introduction – tightening your financial belt *NOTE: This is part 5 of a series on budgeting.* ***Updated for 2023*** If you have missed the previous articles in this series, I encourage you to read them before moving … Read the rest
Conversations with Tradesmen – HVAC
I’m going to start a new category called “Conversations with Tradesmen” where I do primarily just that: I have conversations with tradesmen of all different crafts and discuss the pros and cons of their trade, location, work, etc. I find … Read the rest
Headhunting – and Its Increase in the Workforce
***Updated for 2024*** I don’t recall the first time I heard the term headhunting and perhaps you don’t either. It could be you’ve never heard the term. Either way, the practice you undoubtedly know of – and may have even … Read the rest
Talent vs. Tenacity – which is better?
Talent vs. Tenacity Over the years I have come across some of the most talented individuals with varying interests. Nascent talent, whether latent in an individual or at work conscientiously, is a gift many do not have. Indeed, I can … Read the rest
The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions – Book Review
The Book Review Series Riveting, compelling, and tantalizing are but a few of the words I would use to describe The Math Myth and Other STEM delusions. I might follow them up with ingenious, stimulating, … Read the rest
Do we really believe what we say?
I have touted for a number of years the intelligence of many skilled trades individuals. I know some of my stories have made it into posts when I talk about the disconnect between the skilled trades and office personnel (blue … Read the rest
The pros and cons of the skilled trades
*Updated for 2025* As an advocate for and being in the skilled trades, I certainly can attest to the pros associated therein. I sort of stumbled into it, but no matter, they have been immensely enriching both … Read the rest
College class hazing – Yea, it’s a thing
Ideas for posts originate almost anywhere and at anytime and this one’s no different. I got to thinking about all the various “general education” classes you have to take in the pursuit of a degree. You know the classes I’m … Read the rest
America’s ultimate hazing experience: the college degree
Sometime ago, I was doing research for another article and came across a term I had never heard before: the college industrial complex. I’ll admit I was favorable to the term; after all, I have maintained for quite a number … Read the rest
Merry Christmas 2019
As I’ve already detailed in a different post, this is the absolute time of the year. There is so much to look forward to it makes me anxiously await the death of summer, which takes place way to late in … Read the rest