The pros and cons of the skilled trades
*Updated for 2025* As an advocate for and being in the skilled trades, I certainly can attest to the pros associated therein. I sort of stumbled into it, but no matter, they have been immensely enriching both … Read the rest
College class hazing – Yea, it’s a thing
Ideas for posts originate almost anywhere and at anytime and this one’s no different. I got to thinking about all the various “general education” classes you have to take in the pursuit of a degree. You know the classes I’m … Read the rest
America’s ultimate hazing experience: the college degree
Sometime ago, I was doing research for another article and came across a term I had never heard before: the college industrial complex. I’ll admit I was favorable to the term; after all, I have maintained for quite a number … Read the rest
Why skilled trades have the best game in town
Being the advocate I am for the skilled trades, I’ve had the idea for this post some time now. I wouldn’t write it if I didn’t believe it but I’m going on record to say the skilled trades have the … Read the rest
Five takeaways from the Florida International University Bridge Collapse (A Skilled Trades Perspective)
On March 15, 2018, the pedestrian bridge that was supposed to connect Sweetwater and FIU, collapsed over Southwest Eighth Street and 109th Avenue, killing six and injuring ten. When this story initially broke, it was an instant sensation across social … Read the rest
Happy Labor Day 2019
Ah, Labor day, that sanctimonious holiday for those who, well, labor. While it is celebrated by all as a national holiday, it holds a special place for those in the skilled trades. The reason, quite simply, is because it’s in … Read the rest
2019 Third Quarter Review
I thought it would have been fun to review what has happened since I began this year writing more, focusing on some other things, and generally attempting to be intentional. Sad to say I flopped on it some because I … Read the rest
Is there a place in the skilled trades for emotional intelligence?
If you’re like many you read the title and thought, “what in the world is emotional intelligence?” I came across the term quite a while back but left it unresearched. I thought it was a new age concept touted by … Read the rest
Multi employer pensions part 2
*Note: This is part 2 of a mini series on multi employer pensions* Part 1 left us with a host of problems which I tried to outline what they were and some of the reasons why. This post I will … Read the rest