Happy Thanksgiving 2019
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It is a time to slow down, reflect on what we have, and actually be thankful for all that we do have. And yes, we do have a lot to be thankful for. … Read the rest
Five takeaways from the Florida International University Bridge Collapse (A Skilled Trades Perspective)
On March 15, 2018, the pedestrian bridge that was supposed to connect Sweetwater and FIU, collapsed over Southwest Eighth Street and 109th Avenue, killing six and injuring ten. When this story initially broke, it was an instant sensation across social … Read the rest
Time isn’t money – it’s worth SO much more
The old adage says “time is money.” I can’t tell you how many guys I’ve heard say it over the years. Typically, they are self motivated and profit driven to pursue monetary wealth, and they equate time with money. I’ll … Read the rest
How many of us have friends?
***Updated for 2023*** “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” – Henry David Thoreau The catalyst for this article, is the passing of a dear friend of mine, suddenly and unexpectedly. This has proven to be devastating for … Read the rest
Defined Benefit vs Defined Contribution
*Updated for 2023* It’s all in a name, right? If you have been around for any length of time you have most likely heard these terms before: defined benefit and defined contribution. And unless you speak in financial lingo, … Read the rest
Happy Labor Day 2019
Ah, Labor day, that sanctimonious holiday for those who, well, labor. While it is celebrated by all as a national holiday, it holds a special place for those in the skilled trades. The reason, quite simply, is because it’s in … Read the rest
Why I HATE (and I mean HATE) Summer
**Updated for 2023 –Â and nothing has changed I HATE Summer** In the hierarchy of seasons, they rank this way: Fall or Autumn Winter Spring Summer I only list summer because I’m establishing a hierarchy; otherwise, it wouldn’t rank … Read the rest
2019 Third Quarter Review
I thought it would have been fun to review what has happened since I began this year writing more, focusing on some other things, and generally attempting to be intentional. Sad to say I flopped on it some because I … Read the rest
Multi Employer Pensions Part 4: Reform
*Note: This is part 4 of a mini series on multi employer pensions* If you haven’t read any of the previous 3 posts on multi employer pensions the links are below and provide context for this post. Multi employer pensions … Read the rest
Let’s talk about the skilled trades
This post is, in some ways, a sister to the post I did earlier on college and whether it was worth it or not. You can find that post in the link below. There is much more information to be … Read the rest