Health Savings Account (HSA)
Anyone ever heard of the Health Savings Account (HSA)? If not, no worries, because it is the topic of this post. I hadn’t heard of HSAs until a couple years ago and I only stumbled across them because I was … Read the rest
America’s ultimate hazing experience: the college degree
Sometime ago, I was doing research for another article and came across a term I had never heard before: the college industrial complex. I’ll admit I was favorable to the term; after all, I have maintained for quite a number … Read the rest
Job satisfaction: what’s it mean to you?
While writing another article I suddenly thought about job satisfaction and what it means to people. Is it something people consider when taking a job? How important is it to them? Is it even on their radar? I think in … Read the rest
Why skilled trades have the best game in town
Being the advocate I am for the skilled trades, I’ve had the idea for this post some time now. I wouldn’t write it if I didn’t believe it but I’m going on record to say the skilled trades have the … Read the rest
2020: new year – new course
We’ve all heard the adage “new year, new you.” There’s something about a new year that helps people focus on changing something or themselves, aids them in eliminating some bad things out of their lives, and gives them hope to … Read the rest
Merry Christmas 2019
As I’ve already detailed in a different post, this is the absolute time of the year. There is so much to look forward to it makes me anxiously await the death of summer, which takes place way to late in … Read the rest
The best time of the year: November & December
Previously, I have detailed what I abhor the summer season and yet, for reasons unconvincing to me, scores of people love that time of year. Additionally, there are A LOT of people who’s favorite holiday is Halloween. I’ve never really … Read the rest
Happy Thanksgiving 2019
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It is a time to slow down, reflect on what we have, and actually be thankful for all that we do have. And yes, we do have a lot to be thankful for. … Read the rest
Five takeaways from the Florida International University Bridge Collapse (A Skilled Trades Perspective)
On March 15, 2018, the pedestrian bridge that was supposed to connect Sweetwater and FIU, collapsed over Southwest Eighth Street and 109th Avenue, killing six and injuring ten. When this story initially broke, it was an instant sensation across social … Read the rest
Time isn’t money – it’s worth SO much more
The old adage says “time is money.” I can’t tell you how many guys I’ve heard say it over the years. Typically, they are self motivated and profit driven to pursue monetary wealth, and they equate time with money. I’ll … Read the rest