The benefits of the skilled trades
What exactly are the benefits of working in the skilled trades? Are there actual benefits to being a skilled tradesman? After all, doesn’t the stigma that those who work with their hands are somehow less intelligent have a ring … Read the rest
Tightening your financial belt
  The Budgeting Series   Introduction – tightening your financial belt *NOTE: This is part 5 of a series on budgeting.*      ***Updated for 2023*** If you have missed the previous articles in this series, I encourage you to read them before moving … Read the rest
Higher Education? – Book Review
The Book Review Series ***Updated for 2023*** I discovered The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions by Andrew Hacker doing some research for something else entirely. I quickly ordered the book, read it in short … Read the rest
Headhunting – and Its Increase in the Workforce
***Updated for 2024*** I don’t recall the first time I heard the term headhunting and perhaps you don’t either. It could be you’ve never heard the term. Either way, the practice you undoubtedly know of – and may have even … Read the rest
Talent vs. Tenacity – which is better?
Talent vs. Tenacity Over the years I have come across some of the most talented individuals with varying interests. Nascent talent, whether latent in an individual or at work conscientiously, is a gift many do not have. Indeed, I can … Read the rest
“Battling the Trades Stigma” – How the AWS is right on this
Professional societies are typically beneficial; it is for this reason that people elect to join them in the first place. I would be remiss were I not to mention I belong to two: the American Welding Society and the American … Read the rest
The Math Myth and Other STEM Delusions – Book Review
The Book Review Series Riveting, compelling, and tantalizing are but a few of the words I would use to describe The Math Myth and Other STEM delusions. I might follow them up with ingenious, stimulating, … Read the rest
Professional jealousy
Over the course of my career I have experienced what I like to call professional jealousy. Actually, I have experienced it and projected it – and when that happens it isn’t my finest moment to be sure. It wasn’t until … Read the rest
Neutron Radiography
As a American Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) and a member of the American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), I receive periodicals from both professional organizations. Sometimes the information isn’t interesting to me; I mean, I’m not too … Read the rest
Do we really believe what we say?
I have touted for a number of years the intelligence of many skilled trades individuals. I know some of my stories have made it into posts when I talk about the disconnect between the skilled trades and office personnel (blue … Read the rest