
2025 Goals – February Review



2025 Goal Series



If you are new around here, I have intentionally set goals at the beginning of the year (typically 5) and post-follow-ups at the end of each month, tracking progress. I do this for a few reasons, really, but the ones I want to highlight here are my own personal need to achieve them and setting a template for others to potentially follow.

To that end, let’s look at the 2025 goals I have established. They are, in no particular order:


  1. Continue to post at least three times a month
  2. Target focus podcast episodes
  3. Expand The Leadership Series
  4. Prioritize personal health
  5. Rotational goals for the year

2025 Goals February Review – Continue to post at least three times a month

Posting at least three times a month has proven to be a good cadence


For three years now, I have posted at least two times a month, and in 2024, I tweaked it a few times – finally settling on three. Working full-time in the field (with some overtime), recording and releasing podcast episodes, and attempting to really prioritize family time – that’s about the extent of my commitment. I can always do more and build on it, but the foundation must be firm.

I’ve written this before, but I’m super protective of the creative content that is released on this website. I research, write, edit, and publish it all. I could allow guest writers to post, but out of all the requests I get (and there are several), I’ve yet to get one that I believe aligns with what The Wealthy Ironworker stands for. Better to keep it focused, intentional, and authentic.

So, for February 2025, while I’d like to expand the number of published pieces (likely to be a lot more in the form of Musings), I can say I’ve hit this goal for the month just like January. In fact, I exceeded it.

Also, I would expect to see Musings really expand in the coming months. I’m considering increasing this significantly – IF I can find the right rhythm. More to come.


2025 Goals February Review – Target focus podcast episodes

Year two – time to get more focused


I started the podcast in December 2023 – a milestone here at The Wealthy Ironworker. In 2023, the goal was to start it, and in 2024, it was to release podcast episodes once a week. This year, it’s to target focus podcast episodes.

What do I mean by that?

The primary reason is to focus on quality and not quantity. That may sound strange, especially following last year’s goal of one a week. But the reality is, things change – and I am not immune to change, either.

Several things are bringing this about:

  1. I work in the field with scheduled overtime
  2. I am navigating through a family loss (THIS has taken a toll on me more than anything else)
  3. I am noticing an increase in interest in guest appearances – on my podcast and as a guest on others
  4. I have some potential partnerships in the works
  5. At some point, I will seek to leverage short-form content

The above is enough for now. In any case, I’m optimistic about this goal and for 2025 overall.


Another month into the year, and I haven’t really done much with the podcast. I hope to sit down, plan out some episodes, and dive into more nuanced topics – all while increasing the number of guest appearances. For now, though, I am working on getting some new hardware (Shure MV7 Microphone – a dynamic microphone), dialing it for the best audio, and recording pieces for other outlets. March looks a little more promising, with some other ideas in the works. 

The main reason I haven’t pulled to trigger and started recording again is that when I do, it’s full steam ahead. I’m not ready for any kind of regular commitment right now.

2025 Goals February Review – Expand The Leadership Series

2025 – It’s time to expand The Leadership Series to the next level


This is something I began last year, to “write extensively on leadership.” I even labeled 2024 the year of leadership here at The Wealthy Ironworker. And while that goal WAS met, it was ambiguous – it wasn’t focused enough.

I have spent a fair amount of time behind the computer screen researching, writing, and honing my leadership approach – and with the experience I’ve gained out in the field, I believe this model is worth all the effort I’ll put in. Out of all the series I have (written and planned), this is one of the most valuable to me as I can see wide application.

February 2025 saw yet another article published (keeping with the cadence of one a month), with several new articles to be added to the series currently in draft form. This will expand The Leadership Series significantly. I am very pleased with the progress, and 2025 is shaping up to be a robust study in leadership here at The Wealthy Ironworker. 


2025 Goals February Review – Prioritize personal health


Yes, it’s the first of the year, and yes, it’s a psychological thing for people: A new year, a new you. For one reason or another, most of us are susceptible to that thinking, which is why I start the goals at the beginning of the year in the first place.

It’s also why I’m listing this as one of my goals, too.

You see, I could keep a goal like prioritizing my health to myself, but “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” The more people know about a goal, the more likely someone is to do the work to accomplish it – hence why it is added to the yearly five.

What exactly do I mean by “prioritizing my health?”

Starting out, I will attempt the following concerning my physical health (February results in Italics:)

  1. Zero alcohol – 7 days (weekends), I had some
  2. 8,000 daily steps (roughly 4 miles a day) – I haven’t been keeping track of how many steps; this is likely something I achieve when the weather warms up and I walk at home
  3. Take a multivitamin daily – I started this in February. 
  4. 50% of my body weight drank in ounces of water daily – I KNOW I achieve this; I drink A LOT of water daily
  5. Maintain a 500 – 1,000 calorie deficit daily –  I definitely achieve this one, too
  6. Establish a consistent workout regimen (strength training and cardio) – I have yet to start this


For spiritual health, I attempt the following:

  1. Read a devotional daily –  Every morning
  2. Read my bible dailyEvery morning
  3. Read/study books I’ve had on my shelf for too long now – Just finished reading a book, actually and started two different book review articles 


The results that matter?

  • February 1st: 239.2 lbs
  • February 28th: 238.8 lbs


2025 Goals February Review – Rotational goals for the year


What exactly are rotational goals?

Well, I thought instead of adding one additional goal here, I’d try something different and add several that could be accomplished throughout the year. This not only gives me the flexibility to change my focus month by month, but it also allows me to get more done by the end of 2025.

As of right now, these are the rotational goals I’m including here (subject to change/expansion, of course):

  1. Quasi-soundproof the podcast studio
  2. Review at least 6 more books for The Book Review Series to be published in 2025
  3. Expand The Mental Health Series


I’ll expand on what I want to do with each of them below.


Quais-soundproof the podcast studio

The place where I record all podcast episodes – affectionately called “the studio,” is nothing more than an area in the basement that is 8′ x 12′. Moreover, the basement ceiling is slightly more than 6′; I don’t have to bend down to walk – BUT if you’ve ever been in a basement before, it’s an echo chamber. Every noise made upstairs is reverberated down there. As such, I hear more than I’d like to.

Having said that, though, it would be quite the endeavor to completely soundproof that area – which is why I have it listed as “quasi-soundproof.” I plan to frame the sides with walls and French doors (both sides) and put insulation in those same walls and ceiling, along with drywall, attempting to reduce noise dramatically.

February 2025 – Other than looking at some acoustical panels online and researching, I haven’t done anything else. 


Review at least 6 more books for The Book Review Series to be published in 2025

I didn’t want to merely repeat last year’s goal of expanding The Book Review Series – but I didn’t want to abandon it, either. There are so many good books out there I want to read and review – many of which are sitting on a bookshelf waiting patiently. By setting a specific number of them to read and review, I have elevated the bar to hold myself accountable.

February 2025 – I just finished reading a book the other day and am currently working on at least two different book reviews – while also publishing Pensionless – The Ten Step Solution For A Stree-Free Retirement – Book Review. Making progress with this goal, here. 


Expand The Mental Health Series

I’ve been in the trades for a long time now, and I can attest to the number of people (mostly men) who have been overwhelmed by what life has thrown at them. Many are steamrolled because of the demands of work, relationship and marriage failures, the corrupt family court system that turns them into mere paychecks, substance abuse, and the lack of friends – I could go on, and indeed, I plan to while I expand The Mental Health Series.

Like other series, the outline is subject to change, but as it currently stands, I have a rough outline that looks like this:

  1. Mental Health in the Construction Industry
  2. Acknowledging the Stigma Against Mental Health
  3. Men & The Broken Family Court System
  4. Finances – Fighting For What Your Time is REALLY Worth
  5. Substance Abuse – A Skilled Trades Epidemic
  6. Social Media – We’ve Never Been So Connected But So Isolated
  7. Comparison – The Thief of Joy
  8. Hope – The Elephant NOT in the Room
  9. Suicide – YOU Matter More Than You Know
  10. You Are NOT A Burden
  11. We NEED Good Friends
  12. Burnout – THE Future of the Industry
  13. Bad Therapy: Why The Kids Aren’t Growing Up – Book Review
  14. Becoming Resilient – What Can We Do?


I understand that people consume podcasts more readily than the written word; to that end, once this series is written, it will, at some point, be turned into podcast episodes. The work, when completed, will definitely be worth it in the end.

February 2025 – I did nothing with this particular goal. I have quite a bit planned for this series, so it WILL get attention at some point. Sometimes I think I have too much knocking around in the think tank, making it harder to focus on things.



2025 is starting off bright


2025 is already shaping up to be a great year. For my part, there are so many things to look forward to, but setting and accomplishing goals is a bright spot in a barren land. I go through this exercise not just for my own satisfaction and growth; it’s also for readers to be challenged, see how someone else sets, amends, and ultimately accomplishes goals, and to help them do the same.

Instead of letting life simply happen to you, set some goals, evaluate them at regular intervals, and begin to work on achieving them. It’s not always easy, but then again, easy isn’t appreciated or enjoyed. When you’ve been intentional, disciplined yourself, and sacrificed, you begin to see the real worth of achieving said goals. And that worth is often far more than you thought.

Follow along and set some 2025 goals!


Oh, and be sure to subscribe 👇

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