2024 Review

2024 Goals – May Review

2024 Goals – May Review

If you are new around here, I have intentionally set goals at the beginning of the year (typically 5) and post-follow-ups at the end of each month, tracking progress. I do this for a few reasons, really, but the ones I want to highlight here are my own personal need to achieve them and setting a template for others to potentially follow.

Don’t miss the importance of that last part. Setting goals is vitally important in your life, and I hope you’re able to apply what I do here for your own purposes.

To that end, let’s look at the 2024 goals I’ve established, and we are reviewing the progress for May – already five months in to 2024. They are:


  1. Continue to post bi-monthly Start posting (at least) three articles a month
  2. Continue to release weekly Podcast episodes
  3. Expand the brand
  4. Write extensively on leadership
  5. Expand my book review series

2024 Goals May Review – Start Posting (at least) Three Articles a Month


Building and maintaining consistency – two (now three or more) substantive articles a month


I have been doing this for over two years now, and I’m all about continuing (increasing) the cadence after reviewing this goal for the coming year. Achieving this goal has enabled me to start – and maintain – a weekly release of podcast episodes, too – more on that later. I wanted to be sure I could post articles and do podcast episodes, and, while I believe I found the optimal schedule in the past, it’s time to increase publishing.

What’s more, the podcast is an extension of this website, so neglecting to consistently post looks unprofessional. And with a facelift on the site done at the beginning of 2024 – dark mode that’s easier on the eyes and various other tweaks – I want to continue improving things. Now that I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of video recording and editing, I’d also look for increased use of videos on the articles posted. Continued tweaking – that’s what I’d say it is.

This goal is a mainstay for the 3rd year in a row – it’s just being tweaked.

So, how am I doing now that we are at the end of May 2024?

Given that this year is a year to explore leadership – and I want to increase book reviews – the list of potential articles is rather deep. I’ve been working on several articles at once, and this year I’m tweaking it by increasing articles to three. April is the first month I’m doing this going forward.

My latest articles, What is a Collective Bargaining Agreement, The Five Minute Foreman – Book ReviewTools To Help Address The Stigma Against The TradesEducation Vs. Experience Part 2: The Future,  The Art of Intentionality in Your LifeThe 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – Book Review, and The 15 Invaluable Laws of Personal Growth – Book Review, were published and are robust reviews of what I think are some of the best books you can read – AND they should be on everyone’s shelf, too. Start the new year with new goals, track them with me, and surprise everyone with the result.


Just out here musing


Moreover, last month also saw The Wealthy Ironworker begin another new posting category: MUSINGS.

Musings, by definition, are “a period of reflection or thought.”

Here, they are a specific way to bring shorter content to the website. What’s posted isn’t articles, perse – at least not in the way I qualify and post articles. They are quicker reflections and enable me to get more thoughts out, whether current events or just something on the mind.

Current Musings are, UPS Wins Postal Service Contract – Why That Matters, The United States is Destroying Young People, Offshore Wins In Impressive, The Positive Ripple Effects of the UAW, Federal Trade Commission BANS Non-Compete AgreementsDOL Expanding Overtime Availability for Salary WorkersVolkswagen Workers Vote to Join The UAWNew Ways ForwardPrevailing Wage, NLRB, and the Skilled Trades Shortage, and Gen Z Joining the Skilled Trades – and things are just getting started. There will be many more going forward.

AND I’d also like to point out THIS is one of the reasons we put goals up here in the first place: to provide a template for others along with reviewing each month to check progress. As you’re checking on them periodically, you sometimes have to change things up. The practice is invaluable – but if you aren’t setting goals – or tracking them with periodical evaluation – you’re missing out on a lot.

Because I set a goal of writing two articles a month, and recognized I needed to change it for more, I changed my goal and thus the amount of content on the website, too.

I encourage you to set some goals – you’ll be glad you did.


2024 Goals May Review – Continue to Release Weekly Podcast Episodes


The Wealthy Ironworker Podcast


I finally started the podcast in December of 2023 – a milestone for us here at The Wealthy Ironworker. While last year the goal was to start it, this year it’s to continue with a release date of at least one a week – maybe (probably)  more as time allows. I have so many topics, series, potential guests, and ideas to carry throughout the year FOR SURE.

You may notice an increase in the quality of the episodes – a natural outcome as we continue to gain experience. There is a tremendous learning curve, but there comes a point when we need to jump in and start swimming. It has been like drinking from a firehose with all the changes in 2023. Things will only get better, though, and you will see more polished content as the year goes on.

You can find the audio podcasts here; the video podcast page is here. Likewise, you can also listen/watch on SpotifyiTunesIHeart RadioYouTube or Rumble if that is your cup of tea, too. I have a Twitter handleInstagram, and Facebook, and eventually will drop podcast episodes (or shorts) on them, but I have yet to really build them up (currently researching this more heavily in the coming months).

So, how are things with this goal – five months already into 2024?

Well, I began the




and this is the first of numerous podcast series – so I’m excited about it. As of right now, I’ve got two episodes in it. What’s more, I have PLENTY to talk about – and there is a lot of interest from guests, too. The rest of 2024 will be very interesting as things unfold. Look for The Wealthy Ironworker Podcast wherever you consume podcasts for more.

Stay tuned, subscribe wherever you consume content – and drop by the contact page if there is something you believe worthy to explore. I am always looking to have guests on – and be sure to share with others.


2024 Goals May Review – Expand the Brand



February 2018 – that’s when I started this website. So, for over 6 years now, this brand has grown organically – with NO promotion or intentional promoting. During that time, this website has reached tens of thousands, as I’ve spoken with Ph.D. candidates, authors (I have a small feature in a book that rolled out in April, 2024), journeymen in the field, business owners – all through a fairly organic process. I wanted to establish consistency. I needed to be relevant. I had to be dependable. I expanded into the podcast space.

With that as the foundation, 2024 has been the year I’m more intentional about expanding things. We are on TwitterYouTubeRumbleFacebookInstagram, LinkedInSpotifyApple iTunes, and IHeart Radio, along with a host of other podcast platforms – and I’m open to the possibility of even more if it makes sense. Whether it’s videos (shorts and full episodes), business cards with a QR code taking you right to the Podcast page on the website, or rocking my own merch – it’s time to get busy.

So, what does this goal look like now that five months of the year are in the rearview mirror? (Already? Where did the time go?)


Related: Read The Milestone Theory


I’m glad you asked.

Starting out, I want to drop more podcast episodes to create dependability in the space. Since I’m new to the game and will continually improve with recording, posting, editing, etc., I want a little more experience before I really go full blast.

I have taken small steps, though, in pursuit of achieving this goal. Things like wearing my merchandise more, expanding the footprint on various social media platforms, telling others more frequently – and it all contributes to the build-up.

This month (and the next few, to be honest), I have been focused on a few specific things to improve my attempts to satisfy this goal.

First, I have been tweaking the website, and it has improved each time.

Second, I’ve been researching things people recommend when growing their presence – and that has led me to create two new social media accounts: Reddit and Pinterest. Reddit makes a lot of sense; it’s essentially a gigantic forum that I can communicate on and ultimately drive people to the website. The more time I spend on Reddit, the more I like it and can see how it will be a fantastic platform overall.

Pinterest, however, acts much like Instagram, except for two main differences: it will be pictures instead of reels, and pinned photos can drive more traffic because they don’t follow the “out of sight, out of mind” concept. Pinned photos have lasting power.  I don’t have anything up there, and likely won’t for a bit to get the gist of it down, BUT it’s a start. Once I have a better understanding and flow down, I’ll be more intentional about it.


Related: Read The Art of Intentionality in Your Life


I’ve also been researching how to market the website and YouTube channel because, up to this point, I have done ABSOLUTELY NO MARKETING. This needs to really change. All the traffic I’ve received thus far has been organic – which is exactly the type you should want – but achieving this goal means getting the word out. There are things I should research, and I will be diving into them in the next couple of months to see how achievable they are for me.

This means I may get bogged down in the details and slow-rolling things, but in the end, things always seem to improve – and that is my aim here, too.


2024 Goals May Review – Write Extensively On Leadership


2024 – the year we thoroughly explore Leadership


While 2023 became the year of the budget, this year (and 2025, too) is reserved for Leadership.


For a few reasons, really. First, when planning out the year, I wanted something that was not only substantive but also comprehensive; that is to say, I wanted an area of focus. Leadership has been on my mind for a while now (more on that in the articles to come), and I want to expand on both Leadership, Management, and the Skilled Trades, along with The 4 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. I believe what I wrote – I want to flesh out the remaining leadership traits as they relate to or stem from those 4 qualities.

Secondly, I plan on writing this in my own style and experience – backed up with data wherever possible. Moreover, I don’t want to lean too heavily on other authorities, either. Instead, I want to take a unique look at leadership from two distinct perspectives; from the skilled trades point of view and whether my model is best for a more practical and task-oriented approach.

Third, I have a robust list of people I’d like to have on the podcast, and I want to capitalize on my time with them. If I am working on leadership, then the topic is front and center. I’m looking forward to some really good discussions. And based on how those discussions go, I expect I’ll tweak some articles due to substantive dialog.

Something else worth noting is while I hope to post extensively about leadership, I would expect a mixture of both podcast episodes and articles.

So – what do the 2024 goals look like overall with May in the wings?

I’ve purchased or will buy several leadership books to broaden my perspective and understanding. A multitude of perspectives helps inform your opinion – and leadership is no different. I’ve been visiting used bookstores when I travel, and I have found some really great volumes to add to my library.

For example, I have three more books by John Maxwell to review – “The 5 Levels of Leadership,” “The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader,” and “No Limits.” One complements his 21 laws (and the review is done already – article to come).

I just picked up “Start With Why,” by Simon Sinek, and one of my last used bookstore trips yielded some golden finds: The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzer and Barry Posner, Dare to Lead by Brene Brown, and Primal Leadership by Daniel Goldman. Sometime later in the year, I’ll dive into them, do some lengthy reviews, and publish them, here.

I want to expand what I read, who wrote it, and deepen my understanding to broaden the application to the skilled trades. For many reasons, the next couple of years will yield some very interesting results.

As of this writing, I have two articles complete and outlines for two more. I want to have a few more complete before I drop them so there is no time lag between articles in the series. I’m hoping to have some inspiration and tackle a few more in the coming months and be able to start dropping them by the end of the year.

So, essentially, I AM writing more articles on leadership – they are still in draft form. 😎


2024 Goals May Review – Expand my Book Review Series


Reading is one of the greatest joys we have


I enjoy writing – I wouldn’t have stuck it out this long on the website if I didn’t. Additionally, I enjoy reading too. It would seem, though, that there are a lot of people who don’t. Or, perhaps, they just can’t. Consider this from Literacy Inc:

“50% of U.S. adults are unable to read an eighth grade level book. 33% of U.S. high school graduates never read a book after high school. 80% of U.S. families have not purchased a book this year. 50% of books started are never read to completion.”

Then there is this nugget:

“Statistically two thirds of students who cannot read proficiently by the end of fourth grade will end up in jail or on welfare. Students who don’t read proficiently by the third grade are four times likelier to drop out of school.”

As far as I’m concerned, those stats are a travesty. And while I cannot change anyone’s operating status, maybe I can inspire some through pursuing and achieving results in what I do – including reading good books.

Now, compare the above to this tidbit found on Medium:

“In the book “Me We Do Be: The Four Cornerstones of Success,” socio-economist Randall Bell says, “Those who read seven or more books per year are more than 122 percent more likely to be millionaires as opposed to those who never read or only read one to three books.”


That’s an interesting outcome. Now, I strongly suspect other specific behaviors and characteristics undergird it, but reading is one of the greatest gifts mankind has to offer. I’m also encouraged by the rise of audiobooks. According to WordsRated:

Over 23% of Americans listened to at least one audiobook in 2021, 15% more than in 2020. Over the last 10 years, the share of US adults who listen to audiobooks has grown by more than 100%. Over 45% of Americans have listened to an audiobook at least once in their life as of 2022.”
Take the key, open the door to information, and apply it for wisdom. Then help others.
Especially your kids – if you have them.
Encourage more reading and less technology. Last year, my family borrowed over $15,000 worth of books from the public library, and I always knew when the kids got home – they were ALL quiet and reading. Be inspirational to those in your realm of influence and change lives. 
Dare to be different – and that includes how you raise your kids.
So, with May down, how do my 2024 goals look?

Well, I was able to pick up several new to me books at a used bookstore this last visit: Building a Story Brand, Made to Stick, Remarkable, Think and Grow Rich, The 10x Rule, Nine Lies About Work, and several more are in the wings (and in my library), like:

  • The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner
  • Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
  • The Legacy Journey by Dave Ramsey
  • 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism by Ha-Joon Chang
  • The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John C. Maxwell
  • No Limits by John C. Maxwell
  • The Five Minute Foreman by Mark Breslin
  • Pensionless: The 10-Step Solution for a Stress-Free Retirement by Emily Brandon
  • Managing in the Next Society by Peter F. Drucker
  • Mad Genius by Randy Gage
  • Bullsh** Jobs by David Graeber
  • Bad Therapy by Abagail Shrier
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear

If I read and review the books I want in pursuit of my 2024 goals (and probably every year going forward), I will have enough book review articles to continually publish without end.

What’s more, I should have the opportunity to pick up some more books here shortly. Winning!

Stay tuned for more, and if you have any book recommendations, I’m all ears.




Even good articles have to end sometime


May 2024 – along with the subsequent goals (even ones I’ve tweaked), looks good. We are also gaining momentum on all fronts, too. Subscribe for monthly progress emails here at the website and on whatever platform you consume podcast content, whether it’s YouTubeRumbleSpotifyiTunes, etc. or wherever else you listen – and I encourage you to set your own goals and pursue their achievement. Otherwise, you are merely meandering through life, allowing it to simply happen to you. Maybe that’s you reading this, today. It could be you are tired of the status quo, feel the need to change, and are willing to pursue – but do not know where to start.

Wherever you are – or find yourself in these turbulent times – start by setting some goals and pursuing them, periodically evaluating where you are, and making necessary adjustments.

So, what are you waiting for? Set some goals and change your life.


2024 Goals May Review Done!

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The Wealthy Ironworker is a brand committed to excellence - through the articles on this website, associated podcast, and various consulting events.

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