The United States is Destroying Young People
Musing Over How The U.S. is Destroying Young People
“I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace.”
– Thomas Paine
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a viral video of Scott Galloway, a professor at NYU, on MSNBC ranting about what our country is doing to the youth, and you can find it below.
This is the most important video on the internet right now.
Best 90 seconds you will spend all day is watching this MSNBC clip.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) April 24, 2024
I’ve been discussing many of the same issues on the podcast, and I’m here to say it loud and clear:
He. Is. Spot. On.
What’s particularly distasteful to me is how many older people completely dismiss young people, call them lazy, and take absolutely no responsibility for the current system and situation we find ourselves in today. (Spoiler alert: older people are responsible for just about everything).
I was doing some research earlier (it’s one of the biggest things we do here) and came across Scott Galloway’s TED Talk, “How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future.” Essentially, he expands on the talking points from the video above, and provides a lot of data to back them up. I suspect what he has to say will challenge many a paradigm.
I think it’s important enough to share here under Musings, and let me warn you upfront: he does use some strong language. Despite this, I’d like to encourage you to watch the video, mull over his talking points and data, and allow them to help you see a clearer picture.
Even more important is my appeal to you who have kids. I want you to think about the world we are leaving them and if what we are doing to the youth of America (and, bringing it closer to home – your OWN children) is moral or not.
For my part, Scott Galloway has his finger on many troubling pain points in our generational social compact of today. It is failing. Our youth are in serious trouble. And, like I’ve said before, we should try to understand as much of the problem(s) as possible to begin addressing them.
And that starts with recognition – of both the problems and the part you have to play in all this – even if it is painful to hear.
The future depends on it. The youth of America depends on it. Your kids depend on it.