
5 things I hope 2021 will bring

2020 was a dumpster fire – there really is no other way to put it. Many found themselves laid off, some began working from home – distant from others thanks to the lockdown, concerned over getting sick, and the misery has really taken its toll this year. Normally at the end of the year we begin to think of the ways we want the next to change, to be better, to start some things, and to end others. With the dumpster fire 2020 has been, this only makes us look to 2021 with even more desire and envy – and the same is true of this website and myself.

The only thing more accurate would be if it was on fire


Below are 5 things I hope 2021 will bring.

1. Post more often

This may seem strange to some but I want to post more often and on a regular basis. I write about the skilled trades a lot but this website is much more than that. I have thoughts on a myriad of subjects and what better way to gain more attention than to write more? Moreover, I want to publish on a bi weekly rotation, ensuring some regularity. I have a BUSY Spring season ahead of me but this is a goal I really want to see come to fruition.

After 3 years (in February) I will have around 55 posts – a total of about 1.5 articles a month. You don’t gain traction without writing solid content but it must also be on a regular basis. Now that this website has a continual readership I want to really ramp things up for some added consistency. Plus, more readers will mean more people who get to hear the message I have – a good segue into my next point.

2. Greater awareness of the skilled trades

Ever researched building your brand? I have. You have to continually talk about the same thing and do it with predictable frequency. Take Robert Kiyosaki and the Rich Dad, Poor Dad movement. What does he focus on? Wealth. His message continually focuses on what rich people do others do not. He’s built his brand and continually nurtures it.

Another example would be Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University. He speaks about common sense and money – something many Americans sorely need. He has built a tremendous brand that’s helped millions of people get out of debt.

It’s not just enough to talk about a subject a lot, though. You also have to know what you are talking about. You have to corner the market, demonstrate you’re an expert in your area, and sound the horn – long and often. To that end, I want to be known as an advocate for the skilled trades – an expert who shares what he knows, sees, expects, understands, and contributes. While the first goal is broad this one is more narrow and focused – and if one helps to accomplish the other that’s a double win.

3. 40 by 40

The New Year brings strange things to mind for most of us. Theoretically there is nothing different between January 1st and June 1st but psychologically there is. It’s a new year, a new time for us to review our lives and the direction we are headed. It’s a new chance to chart a different course with renewed strength and determination – and I’m no different.

Starting in the new year, my wife and I are going to do Keto. Moreover, the 40 by 40 is a quippy slogan I came up with to better propel me to achieve 40 pounds lost by the time I turn 40. It’s achievable but I want all the psychological fuel I can get to change direction. If more people would only stick our their gym memberships a little longer they would see routines built for the long haul.

4. More success

Success is one of those things that’s subjective in just about every endeavor we embark on. What one regards as success another feels is failure. For example, two people aspire to lose weight and they both lose 25 pounds. One person may regard this as a success while the other feels as though they should have lost even more, casting aspersions on their weight loss instead.

Moreover, some people want success in varying areas of their life, too. Some would like to be better cooks, others at work. Success can be sought in hobbies or in better family relations. For me, I want to see more success in just about every avenue of my life. I want to be successful at work. I want to spend more time with my family. I want to experience success in learning. I want to write that one page a day to finish a book. I want to see success in better clarity of mind and more energy. I want – in short – more success overall. Who doesn’t?

5. Enjoy life more

Sounds sappy, I know. Still, whatever it is the new year psychologically ushers in I want to capture it and use it for some enjoyment. After all, we are not promised tomorrow and what good does it do us to go through life angry or dejected? We may not be able to change the cards we are dealt but we can make the best of our situation, whatever it happens to be. I’m of the opinion if we were just thankful more often and for more we would experience a different side of life – one where our enjoyment is far more richer than we’re used to.

What do we have to lose, anyway? Who has sincerely thought they shouldn’t enjoy life? We may have many set backs, a lot of turmoil, consequences not of our making, bitterness, sadness, betrayal – the list of negative things which can take root in our lives is endless. BUT there are bright spots to be found in all our lives. To quote Albus Dumbledore:

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

Put another way, those bright spots can be found if only you’d look. Search wide, look deep, delve into your own life and discover the many things which you can be thankful for. And when you find them? Enjoy life more.


So those are five things which come to mind for me and what I’d like to see in 2021. I could have listed more or been even more specific but I’m partial to a little ambiguity every now and then.

What are your top five things you’d like 2021 to bring?

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