
Happy Thanksgiving 2019

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It is a time to slow down, reflect on what we have, and actually be thankful for all that we do have. And yes, we do have a lot to be thankful for. If we stopped looking at what we don’t have and start focusing on what we do we can, and should, enjoy this time of year.

I mean, how else do we explain Black Friday, that crazy, free for all day when we clobber each other for trinkets – the day after we should have been thankful? Personally, I avoid going out altogether – I don’t want to get mixed up in the hubbub of craziness. People have actually lost their lives from a stampeding crowd, fueled by a desire to have the newest trinkets – their fellow Americans be damned.

No thanks. I’ll check out of the experiment and actually enjoy my time with family. That means a nice long weekend to boot. Usually we travel over the the Thanksgiving holiday and make it our family vacation, spending time with family, and enjoying a completely different location. Spending time in a different state and part of the country has a rejuvenating effect on us.

It’s the simple things in life

I love the colder weather, being around family, different beers I can’t get back home, deep frying the turkey, exploring the farm and the various towns around, marveling at the stores at what they have here and don’t sell back home; all of those things add up to make a great holiday/vacation.

The Thanksgiving holiday is a time to be thankful – and thankful I am. I hope you are as well – and take the time to reflect on what it is you have that makes you truly blessed.

I hope you weren’t expecting a long message this time; I’m too busy enjoying my downtime for that. Instead, I’ll just say happy Thanksgiving everybody.

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