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Welcome to The Wealthy Ironworker. Promoting the skilled trades and advocating for the pay and respect to be commensurate with the level of importance millions bring to society.



The Wealthy Ironworker researches, writes, and podcasts about EVERYTHING under the sun, providing a unique and sometimes forgotten take on many complex and nuanced topics today. On this website, you can find subjects ranging from leadership to personal development, tips, musings, and more.
Join us, then, as we Explore Beyond The Veil of Composure.



And for young people, the best piece of advice you didn’t know you needed:

Don’t Know What You Want To Do For A Living? Get A Job

– Petitions –

Join the conversation and consider signing one of the petitions below for real, substantive, and meaningful change:


Increase Penalties for Child Labor Violations

Demand civil/criminal personal penalties for willful violations of US labor law


Mental Health Spotlight



 The Veil of Composure


Something we put up between ourselves and the world, while pretending everything is fine. Behind that veil, though, we struggle, we are a mess, and we are overwhelmed. Exploring Beyond The Veil of Composure, we discover that…
Mental health has plummeted in the skilled trades, and the construction industry has the second-highest suicide rate overall – it’s four times higher than the general population. Our job is fulfilling and rewarding – but it’s also hard, difficult, and can be overwhelming at times, too. With the right set of circumstances, things can overwhelm anyone. PLEASEand I mean PLEASE – if you need help, need to talk to someone, feel like you cannot see the way out, or if you think you cannot survive, talk to SOMEONE. Talk to family, friends, co-workers; and if you want to talk to a stranger instead, call the 988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline. Reach out to someone and allow them the privilege of helping you; someone would rather hear your voice than attend your funeral. 
It’s okay to not be okay – let’s live this truth out. 

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